Thursday, March 7, 2013

Getting to know Kadence...

I have heard that all newborns look alike, act alike, etc, etc...but I am dying to get to know Kadence and her personality...what things does she like, dislike...what makes her Kadence...
At week two this is what I can tell you...
She LOVES these things-
Tummy Time
Having one arm free from her swaddle
Sleeping on my chest
Eating- she loves to Eat...her bottle of choice right now is Dr. Brown's
She loves to poop at midnight pretty much daily
The swing
Jada kisses
Milk Coma's 
Hair Bows (although right now she prefers the thinner headband over the larger one-lol) 
The couch
And she loves being awake and looking around

Thinks she is not a fan of...
being WET (being in poop doesn't seem to bother her, but pee is a different story- thank God for those diapers with the wet sensor on them- although I think she has her own built in sensor)
spitting up (it's few and far between but when she gets her clothes all wet, she is not a fan)
Changing clothes
Putting on lotion or anything that consists of being cold

She has spent most of her days thus far being held, cuddled, and having her picture taken. 

She seems to be very laid back and other than being wet, if she is angry about something she lets out a speak of screaming and then goes back to her laid back self. Her cry to me sounds like what I think a pterodactyl would sound like, so sometimes that's what I call her :)

She has acquired many nicknames at this point, some being: K-Dog, K-Love, Baby Burrito, Snow Leopard (given because of an outfit she has), diva, princess :)

So far life with a newborn is priceless! It's a spiritual experience that causes me to slow down. She brings a peaceful rhythm to my day that I have not experienced in a very long time.

As far as Andy and I go, we are doing great! We actually don't know what to think about all this time we have together. This is probably the longest time we have had of actual uninterrupted alone time in years or ever in our marriage. We are relearning how to be friends, team players, communicate better, and just relax together. These are all things that I felt like we were good at all along but my appreciation for how much sweeter all of this has been since Kadence has been in our life is surreal. I am in awe everyday by how protective, thoughtful, selfless, and cute my husband is. The times when he stops over and over again in the middle of a project to get a burp rag, pacifier, or make a bottle. The times when we were in the hospital and I had been up all night and he left and got me starbucks (something he would never do). Each day I find myself loving him more, thanking God more, smiling more, and taking more deep breaths than I ever have before...

I know that we are just at the beginning of the journey, but I wanted to take a second and write to tell you that all of the pain that has been in this journey(from 8th grade and my first dr. visit about PCOS till now)...every step of the way/wait has been worth it to experience life in the way I do now! I would not take back a single tear, yelling match with God, or the many journal entries of asking where God was in my heartache...He was there all along...He was weaving this story, just like he's weaving yours and Kadence's story too! So we sit back, release control, and dive in to the beautiful story He has set before us! I don't know if you are struggling with infertility or what struggle has been placed in your life, but I am confident we all have lean in to God and listen and know that He is big enough to handle your pain, no matter how big it is or how much of your heart it consumes...

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