Sunday, June 9, 2013

They grow up so fast!

I was thinking about how I haven't posted lately and that I am not sure when I would have posted but felt like it was something that needed to happen tonight.

Kadence is officially 15 weeks old and every day she impresses me with how she is growing! She is one smart cookie :)

Although Kadence is still on the petite side fitting in some newborn clothes still and up to 3-6 month clothing depending on the brand and style of clothing. She is growing leaps and bounds and is so dang smart. Since my last writing she has successfully moved from her tummy to her back (multiple times- unless she is watching tv) and her back to her tummy (only a handful of times- mostly still getting stuck on her arms as she rolls over). She successfully sleeps in her crib 12 hours at night (her preference is to sleep on her side and sometimes she successfully turns in a complete circle from the time I put her down till the time of her waking), is downing about 7 oz, and is loving the invention of her hand! She still loves being swaddled at night, going on stroller walks, and laughing at her pink pinwheel we got from the target $1 bins. She has recently discovered her voice and how to make it loud and soft on purpose and how to have in-depth conversations with her pet giraffe. She has experienced her first play date, her first royals game, her first sleepover at my parents house! She is a girl that LOVES people (when the Parents as Teacher lady comes over and brings toys, she could care less about the toys and would rather the lady talk to her)! The only time Kadence is fussy is when she is wet or hungry. The only time she cries what we have named the tired cry is when the child needs a nap- the tired cry is horrible! Luckily I can usually catch her before she gets there and that makes everyone's life easier. This baby girl likes her sleep and it doesn't matter how cool you are or how much you want to play...when she wants to sleep, she sleeps :) Other than that Kadence is a VERY laid back baby girl- she loves doing pretty much anything and is happy shopping, or at the park, or just playing on the floor.   Andy and I find ourselves laughing with her and at her more and more every day! She has such a fun personality and a smile that can light up a whole room...

I remember when our social worker came and did our first "post-placement" visit and she was like, "So, tell me about Kadence and her personality." I remember Andy and I laughing after she left and being like...well, she poops, pees, sleeps, and cries :) We were in love with her, knew she was special, but felt like the things we could "pick out" about her personality were similar to most babies her age. It's crazy to think at the end of this month our social worker will be out for her second post placement visit and how much our life has changed since then.

Andy and I are leaps and bounds more in love with her than on the night we met her for the first time (I didn't think that was possible)! Kadence officially has Andy wrapped around her's so cute! Watching Andy be a dad is seriously one of my most treasured parts of my day.

Kadence has recently discovered the TV...I honestly wish it never would have happened! I noticed it the first time while I was feeding her and I was watching the bachelorette on the ipad (don't judge me)...the ipad was behind Kadence propped up on a pillow so only I could see it...the whole time I was trying to feed her she kept arching her back and trying to fling her head back to see the ipad- I let her figure it out and then she just stared mesmerized by it. Then we were downstairs a few days later watching myth busters and Kadence was doing tummy time. We moved her so she was facing us instead of the tv and she started crying. We turned her back around thinking surely not...and that was indeed was she was fussing about. Since we have noticed her fascination with the colors and sounds of the tv, I have tried making better choices with my netflix so today we watched some colorful sea animals parade around on the TV.

Kadence has discovered herself in the mirror (a sight that always makes her smile), her hands and her feet, Jada (someone that also makes her smile), and trees- Oh, my word this child likes to be outside! Andy has put a hammock in our backyard and whenever I can't find Kadence and Andy that's where they are! They could sit out there for hours and sometimes do. The other night they were out there and we had the christmas lights (this time of year we call them ambiance lights) on the deck and Kadence was coo-ing, Andy was talking to her, and I like a creeper was sitting on the deck just breathing in God's goodness.

I could go on and on and on about all the other amazing things that Kadence can do, or what she notices, or how God blesses us through her on any given day but I think that I will stop there and tell you that I am in love! Each day this roller coaster gets faster but each day I love it more and more! I think Andy and I have found our niche in life!

P.s. for those concerned I have recently started doing crock-pot meals AND grocery shopping so we are having warm meals and actually have fruits and veggies in our house again! I have found a rhythm with work that doesn't make me feel utterly overwhelmed and yet I am still productive. I am managing to get in quiet time with Jesus and spend time in His word and praying in color...the last thing to reel in is the pesky housework...:)

Thanks for following us in this amazing God Journey!

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