Maybe it's just a stage, maybe it's our little girl...but someone LOVES music! Loves dancing!
When the music comes on she can't stop her feet from moving, she can't stop her hands from clapping, and there is usually this high pitch squeal of delight that exudes from her being. If she really lets herself go you can find her spinning in circles as the music's freedom...
As I find myself watching her with so much delight and I see the pure joy she gets from dancing and from the music I wonder why I don't see people breaking out in Hyvee or Hobby Lobby in spins or clapping. Okay maybe not Hobby Lobby because their music is creepy. But multiple times when we are out Kadence hears the music and NEEDS to get her groove on. I started reflecting on this and wondering why I don't see adults spinning and clapping through stores. At what point did we lose our freedom to let loose and leave the cares of the world behind.
Did someone tell us to stop dancing and act proper? Did someone tell us our behavior wasn't acceptable? Did we look around and see other people not dancing and so decide on our own it's not okay? Who decided it wasn't okay? Why don't we live in a world of freedom where when music comes on we can drop everything we are doing and dance? When music comes on and our kids can't stop it from letting loose, can we drop everything we are doing and clap along?
When did I myself stop dancing? I mean I never had "rhythm"-let's be honest but did I react to music and movement the same way Miss K does? When was it not cool anymore? Does it take people surrounding you to make that filter go away and just let loose? I think about High School dances, college formals...all of those are dancing in groups (minus middle school- that was a lot of boys on one wall and girls on the other). But when did I myself stop dancing? Now I will tell you when Andy is not home and I can crank up the music and belt it at the top of my lungs and do some serious dancing with the broom. But when in public or outside of the comfort of my car you get the "polished" Kylie. The Kylie that is "appropriate (well to a degree) in public. But why?
I want to be that mom! I want to be the mom that for as long as Kadence will be moved by music and experience that freedom that I would encourage her to "let it go" and belt it out, stomp those feet, and let the world be her creative masterpiece. I want her to know that she is brave, beautiful, and that music is powerful and should be danced to. I want her to appreciate and be passionate about "feeling" the music and I want her to be surrounded in a home, family, and a culture that's not afraid to dance, let go, and clap along.
If I sit in theses thoughts for any time at all it becomes a very spiritual wrestling. Kadence in her purest form is being child-like. She is showing a side of herself that I think makes Jesus smile the largest smile. She is experiencing a freedom that in my heart I feel is the freedom that Christ gives to us. I feel like she dances in the way that Jesus dances when He sees creation. I think she "gets" it way better than my adult brain can ever comprehend. So for me and my family we will clap along to every song that comes on, we will worship together, we will dance together, we will live in this freedom together and we will encourage others to dance with us! Let's create a culture for our kids where they can experience that freedom of dance and the love for rhythm and music for the duration of their life! I pray for Kadence that she never stops feeling the freedom or joy in the way that she does when one of her favorite songs comes on and she just wants to spin...because that is a beautiful way to live and experience life. I am so glad Miss K teaches me things on the way that I should live. She is a great gift!
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